Workshop 3

Workshop 3 was organized by TA ČR with the logistics provided by MCST. It took place in Malta in March 2023.

The first part of the workshop included feedback from the representatives of the EISMEA agency, presentations of the outcomes of the tasks and more detailed presentations about the results, and feedback from the International evaluation panel (CDTI) and mentoring services provided by IESE Business School. It gave the consortium an opportunity to improve these activities in case of their repetition in the future.

The second part of the workshop was dedicated to the concrete experience of the project from the view of beneficiaries and mentors providing services to them. This part was prepared and moderated by IESE Business School. 5 companies shared their experiences and 3 mentors  sat in the panel to answer the questions from the audience.

The last session was dedicated to the lessons learned and sustainability development. It included an inspirational presentation of BPI France and continued with the sharing of lessons learned among the consortium partners. 

The workshop also comprised the Steering Committee meeting. The meeting was organized to confirm the changes in the structure of the Consortium and an updated distribution of the budget.

The second day of the workshop was dedicated to sustainability activities, mainly looking for ways how to organize and finance another International evaluation panel once the GO-SME project finishes and the opportunity to organize such a panel in the frame of the European call. 

Also, the content aimed at the plug-in mechanism was discussed as a part of the future common project. Such a project may include also partners outside of the GO-SME Consortium, in particular from widening countries attempting to receive plug-in certification.